Thursday, October 1, 2015

Capture Your Grief: Day 1- Sunrise

This mama is not a morning person!  If I'm awake before the sun, it is important. This morning, I drug myself out of bed, along with the 3 kiddos. We arrived at Vilano Beach at 7:00, just before sunrise. 
What's so important about today?  I'm participating in a healing journey along with many other mamas during October. October is Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness month. Each day, we are given a subject to photograph and a prompt for journaling. This is why I was up before the sun today. I'm hoping to keep up all month and find some healing along the way. 

Given our weather recently, I'm not surprised at the view this morning. Cloud coverage blocked most of the sunrise but there is beauty in the bright sun peaking out where it can. This is very similar to my current grief journey. Despite being in the dark sadness of our losses, most recently Brody just 3 months ago, I can see healing peaking through. It may not be the beautiful sunrise I had dreamed about, but it's progress from the darkness of the passing night. 
For all of my fellow loss mamas, take time to reflect on your sweet babies this month. No matter how far you are in your grief journey, there's either a gaping wound or scar on your heart with your baby's memory etched on it. Curtis would be turning 7 this December and I still wonder how different life would be with him. His scar is still there and always will be, after all, I am his mama!  

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