Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Faith Boost

I've always loved music!  I struggle to remember things from my childhood but I can still sing many songs from when I was younger. My phone contains multiple playlists and I listen to them often. Wanted to share my "Faith Booster" Playlist. This is what I listen to about 90% of the time. Hope you find some comforting songs listed here. I've added YouTube links in case you want to hear some of them. I'm always looking for new songs to add so suggestions are welcome!

Faith Booster Songs List:

-Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) by Hillsong
-Oceans Will Part by Hillsong
-Give Me Faith by Elevation
-Hope In Front of Me by Danny Gokey
-It Is Well by Bethel Music
-Though You Slay Me by Shane & Shane
-The One I Love by Third Day
-The Lord Our God by Passion
-Stand In the Rain by Superchick
-You Are by Colton Dixon
-Dream for You by Casting Crowns
-Not For A Moment by Meredith Andrews
-The Hurt and The Healer by Mercy Me
-Blessings by Laura Story
-Bring The Rain by Mercy Me
-Praise You In This Storm by Casting Crowns
-Already There by Casting Crowns
-Every Beat of My Broken Heart by Hawk Nelson
-When the Rain Comes by Third Day
-Take It All by Third Day
-Cry Out to Jesus by Third Day
-Worn by Tenth Avenue North 
-By Your Side by Tenth Avenue North
-What Faith Can Do by Kutless
-Steady My Heart by Kari Jobe
-Just Be Held by Casting Crowns

Monday, April 20, 2015

True Friends

I was at a meeting tonight with some friends. After the meeting ended, we were preparing for the next meeting. That's when it happened. The pregnant girl whom I've seen come into our meetings for sometime, was now here but with her baby. Immediately, the room erupts with the oohs and awes that are to be expected. Without even a chance to react, my dear friend Kimberly swoops in to the rescue. She drags me away on an errand. One that could've been delayed until the hallway congestion was clear. It was that very moment that I realized how truly blessed I am to have her in my life. She has been there for me and been a blessing on so many occasions. This is one of the most considerate and thoughtful gifts I could ever imagine receiving. For her to instinctively know my heart and the pain that was about to plow through my soul and act on it shows how much beauty her heart holds. That is a true friend!  I'm so thankful to have her and so many other great friends in this journey.  Couldn't hold back the tears as I was telling Mike the story. Not because of the baby and the oohs & awes but because I am so deeply touched by the love of a friend. 

Monday, April 13, 2015


I have spent the last week worrying about today's appointment. The only reason I wasn't too worried before that was because I had a dental appointment to keep my mind anxious. After that, it was open to worry about today. I know the Bible says to not worry and that God takes care of the sparrows so He will take care of me. Tell that to my finite mind though!  Actually, I've told myself that a bazillion times and as soon as I lay something at His feet, I tend to grab it back. I have learned so much in the last 18 months yet I still struggle to leave it there. 
After dropping the kids off with a friend, I started my journey to Jacksonville. This gave me time to call the doctor's office and verify it was at the downtown location. As I'm talking to the receptionist, I realize that we aren't scheduled to see the doctor we had requested or been told to see. We were scheduled with the nurse practitioner and that the particular doctor we were supposed to see wasn't even at the same location. I was livid!  Called my OB to make sure it wasn't gonna be a wasted appointment and was reassured that even their nurse practitioners had the knowledge we needed. Having been on this frustrating journey of no answers, I am very effective at making sure my voice is heard. I knew we wouldn't leave today without at least feeling like we were heard, even if it was on a level that sends Mike sinking into his seat, shaking his head in shame!  
When we were called back, we were greeted warmly by the NP and she entertained all of my questions and seemed very knowledgable. She took our history, gave some feedback, and said she wanted to make sure one of the physicians didn't have anything to add. Here we go, another moment of feeling like we are those people. The ones that no one knows how to help. No answers to what has gone awry. "Let's get another opinion."  I feel like that has been the story of our life for the last 4 months. The doctor came in, introduced himself, sat down and acknowledged our pain. Took the time to look at us and say "you've been through a lot, I'm so sorry". It took a lot to hold back the tears!  Just those simple words were enough to make the appointment worthwhile. I talked about faith in God early, I had given up on believing in medicine and its goodness before today. Not because he came in and had answers, but because he came in and took the time to love on us and let us know he was on our side. We left with a lab slip and a good idea of how we would be treated/ monitored during a future pregnancy. That's it, no answer to why we've lost 5 babies!  Yet we left with a sense of hope because one Dr was transparent enough to say we don't know why and we can't guarantee a positive outcome even with increased monitoring. This is the exact thing we've struggled with, no guarantee. In all actuality, no doctor is going to be able to give us that. There's only one Person who controls that and He isn't in an office. He's with me, rooting for me to trust Him, waiting for me to relinquish all the pieces of my heart and doubt. No doctor can guarantee a baby's safe delivery. Only the Great Physician, Jesus, can!  
With that said, we have decided that we would switch OBs should it be necessary to have one. Our current OB is very knowledgable and has tons of experience but has lost his compassion. He has been my OB/ GYN for 10+ years. At this point, we need compassion more than we need experience. Our experience at the high risk Dr today definitely made that decision easier. We debated on switching when we were pregnant with Carly. We chose to stay with him because we wanted to avoid the time and effort of extra appointments. He is less likely to send patients to the high risk doctor for management so we stayed. Looking back at Carly's pregnancy, we would've had a much better experience had we not been so set on having an expert. A different doctor wouldn't have changed the outcome of Carly's pregnancy but it may have made our loss a little less traumatic. The doctor that delivered Paisley is less experienced but has a genuine heart. We regret not switching because I think she would've encouraged delivering Carly instead of balking at the idea because it's more work. There's a great likelihood that we would have pictures and footprints instead of just ashes.
This next part is not for the weak stomach...
 I remember pleading with him to let me see her after the D&C. He said I couldn't because she was mixed with other tissue. I can remember losing it at that point and being given a sedative. In the weeks ahead we grieved not being able to hold her. When Mike went to pick up her ashes, he asked our friend who cremated her about how she was received. He told us she was intact minus some minor tissue damage. This compounded the grief of missing out on those moments with her. Fast forward to a few weeks ago when another mama on one of my miscarriage support groups talked about being able to hold her baby after her D&C. This is where the compassion should've been a priority. My OB couldn't see past his schedule to see the lifetime impact of holding your child. To him, it's just another day at the office, another procedure. To me, it's our baby. Our only chance to hold her. The chance to get those precious pictures and footprints. The chance to kiss her. We will forever wish we had those momentos but can't be consumed with the regret. We can only move forward and trust that God's plan is not always ours and isn't always easy to accept. 
Had today's appointment been scheduled according to my request, today may have ended much differently!  God knew weeks ago which doctor I needed to see and made that happen. I'm so thankful to have a God who knows what I need and makes it happen, even when I question it.  
I still struggle to sing this song without crying. It was one that I sang wholeheartedly before losing Carly. It's still hard for me to sing these words to God.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Looks Can Be Deceiving

On the outside, I may seem to have myself together!  In all honesty though, my heart is still torn into a million pieces. Last night we went to Chick-Fil-A for dinner. While ordering, Kaitlyn picked out our table. As soon as I arrived, I noticed an infant (maybe a few weeks old) in her carrier on the table, within direct view of my "assigned seat". There was also an older infant across the aisle from us. I knew the meal would be uncomfortable and figured I could focus on my meal and survive. As I'm finishing eating, the sweet cries of the baby were heard. At that moment, I could no longer focus on my meal and just survive. The tears poured out and Mike rushed over to comfort me. I sat with tissue covering my face, doing all I could to avoid sobbing. That is the reality of a grieving mama though. There's no way to avoid society and the joy of new life. Only for me, it doesn't bring joy. It's a reminder of the lives and dreams we've been robbed of. The pain of not seeing our children grow and the kisses we were never able to give. I do find comfort in knowing they're being held and loved on by Jesus. That doesn't make it less painful to miss out on those sweet moments!
Today is 4 months since we had Carly. I should be hugely pregnant and expecting her arrival in 2 months (probably closer to 1 since Anna & Preston were born at 36 weeks). The beginning of each month is so hard and this one is no different. As her due date approaches, it will only getter harder. I would like to be more optimistic about that fact but since she's loss #5, reality tells me otherwise. 
Four months later and I have cried for my sweet babies every day this week. I plead for God to heal the hurt and do my best to let go of my plans and let Him comfort me. The feelings of anger and betrayal are still there, but I have come to a place where I'm able to feel His love as well. Not where I want to be, but progress. I honestly believe that God will make beauty from these ashes, but the fire we have and are enduring to get there isn't pleasant. I even begged God tonight to let this cup pass from me just as Jesus did in the garden. I'm not facing physical death and torment as He did but I feel like my heart has holes which torment me. I was again reminded that God didn't change the path for His Son and He hasn't changed ours. We may never see the dreams we have for our family completely fulfilled. I have no doubt though that His purpose will be served, which is ultimately our purpose for being here. He never said the road would be easy, He only promises to be with us on our journey. 
We see our last specialist on Monday and I'm so anxious about what he may or may not say. It's the same office where we found out about Carly's death so that in itself will be a hurdle to overcome. The news we receive from the doctors could determine if we choose the adventure of another pregnancy or adoption.  It's not a decision we take lightly so all prayers on our behalf are coveted!
Can't close without a song as they are so comforting to me and I can only pray they are to others as well. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Forever Changed

Can't believe yesterday was 8 months since we delivered our sweet Paisley Jane. My days are no longer consumed with grief over her loss but not a day goes by that I don't think of her. Some days, it's a passing thought and reflection on her beauty. Other days, it's an overwhelming sadness of her absence. We should be rocking a 3 month old to bed every night and getting very little sleep. I would gladly give up my sleep to have her awaken me every 3 hours to nurse. Okay, maybe gladly is taking it too far- this mama loves some good sleep!  My house should be overrun with baby gear. I should be wearing her daily in the many wraps that I have collected for the sole purpose of keeping my kiddos close. The list of should haves could go on forever!
All of that to say, I have been forever changed by our sweet angel that I only had the chance to hold for 5 hours. The sweetness of new life has been made sweeter. The beauty in creation has become even more beautiful. The intensity of love for my living children has become more intense. The bond with my husband has become so much stronger. All because of an 8 inch, 4.8 ounce little girl who never took her first breath but left an unforgettable imprint on our hearts and lives!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

An "I don't want God's plan" kind of day

The first half of the month seems to be so hard. We have so many dates surrounding Paisley's and Carly's deaths. Each month I'm reminded of their precious lives as we pass another month without them. Paisley's death was discovered on the 4th of August and she was delivered on the 6th. Carly's death was discovered on the 9th and the D&C was on the 11th. Shortly after these dates, I start my period which is another reminder of their absence. In the midst of all of their anniversary dates, I usually ovulate. Using protection to prevent pregnancy is another hurdle that I'm sure doesn't cross most people's minds unless they've been on a similar journey. All of these little things make for a very difficult few weeks and those are just the consistent reminders. This month is also the month we should be celebrating Aubrey's first birthday. Having 5 angels means there are so many anniversaries to navigate. Curtis' birthday is December 14th. I no longer dread the 14th every month but I remember it being very difficult to handle in the year following his death. We are painfully close to Carly's due date and Paisley's birthday. I know the months ahead will be especially difficult as we approach these hurdles that seem more like unclimbable mountains!
Over the past several days, I've spent a lot of time in the garage. Sifting through stuff for our yard sale. We aren't ready to let go of our baby stuff yet but there was a bag of stuff that was set aside more than a year ago that I planned to get rid of, even if we were blessed with another. In this pile was the bib pictured above. Needless to say, I lost my composure as I saw it. It has been an emotional few days as I've come across many baby items that we may never use again. 
Today, I sat outside with Preston, enjoying the sunshine and dinosaur wars in the dirt. I was saddened when saw the neighbor walking with her cute pregnant belly. Her baby is due in June, Carly's same due date month. I managed to smile and say hi even though my heart was breaking. Within 30 minutes of that "exposure", I heard the cries of our neighbors infant through her open windows. Her baby came in January, the month Paisley was due. We carried on with the rest of our day as normal even though mommy just wanted to crawl in bed and sob the afternoon away. My chance to sob came tonight when the kids were settled and Mike and I had a few minutes to talk uninterrupted. I told him about my experience between the tears and all I could say was "why did they get to keep their babies?"  I would never wish my heartache on anyone but I can't help but wonder what the difference is. What did they do right or what did I do wrong to make the outcomes of life so different. Without a doubt, I know those are inaccurate questions but that's at the depth of my heart. The wondering!  The how's and whys that I'll probably never know this side of heaven. 
What I do know is that God has a bigger plan for us. Some days, I don't want His plan as it has brought more heartbreak than I want to endure. Other days, I'm ready to serve Him and be His hands and feet. As I sit here tonight, wishing I could be in my neighbors shoes, I'm having an "I don't want God's plan" kind of day. I want my babies!  
Another awesome song to end with