Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Forever Changed

Can't believe yesterday was 8 months since we delivered our sweet Paisley Jane. My days are no longer consumed with grief over her loss but not a day goes by that I don't think of her. Some days, it's a passing thought and reflection on her beauty. Other days, it's an overwhelming sadness of her absence. We should be rocking a 3 month old to bed every night and getting very little sleep. I would gladly give up my sleep to have her awaken me every 3 hours to nurse. Okay, maybe gladly is taking it too far- this mama loves some good sleep!  My house should be overrun with baby gear. I should be wearing her daily in the many wraps that I have collected for the sole purpose of keeping my kiddos close. The list of should haves could go on forever!
All of that to say, I have been forever changed by our sweet angel that I only had the chance to hold for 5 hours. The sweetness of new life has been made sweeter. The beauty in creation has become even more beautiful. The intensity of love for my living children has become more intense. The bond with my husband has become so much stronger. All because of an 8 inch, 4.8 ounce little girl who never took her first breath but left an unforgettable imprint on our hearts and lives!


  1. You are blessed to have Paisley and she is blessed to have you. <3

  2. You are blessed to have Paisley and she is blessed to have you. <3
