Saturday, December 20, 2014

An Inside Look at a Grieving Mother's Bad Day- Facebook note from 12/20/14

A list of triggers from a grieving mother's week. This list is compiled for the spouses and support people who may be having a hard time understanding why it's so hard for a mother who lost a child. From the moment of a positive pregnancy test, dreams for that child begin to fill a mother's heart and thoughts. This is a list of things that I remember being hard to face this week. You never know why a grieving mother is having a bad day or crying "for no reason". Her life is surrounded by constant reminders of dreams that will never be fulfilled!
1. The pregnant lady at the store
2. Wearing jeans that shouldn't fit
3. The maternity clothes scattered throughout the laundry
4. The insomnia filled with sadness in the still of night
5. The pregnant ladies at your daughter's school function
6. Going to a school function and having to focus on not melting down and hoping no one asks how you're doing
7. The arrival of the package of cloth diapers ordered on cyber Monday
8. The arrival of adorable crocheted baby hats that'll never be used
9. The call to the OB office for an antidepressant prescription
10. The call to schedule your follow-up from the D&C
11. The app reminder that you're 15 weeks
12. The email reminder that you're 37 weeks
13. The arrival of the 14th, when your child from your first miscarriage should be turning 6
14. The Facebook pictures of babies
15. The Facebook pictures of baby bumps
16. The Facebook ultrasound pictures
17. Your 3 year old son, doing something like a big boy and realizing that he's your baby
18. The post partum bleeding at every bathroom trip
19. Being able to eat and drink without puking
20. The nurse removing the PICC line that's no longer needed
21. The IV pump being picked up
22. Crying yourself to sleep every night
23. Drinking the no longer off-limits sangria
24. The tears shed with your 4 yo over babies she never met
25. Having to decide on a birth control method
This is a quick list and I'm sure there were many more triggers from this week. Please know that a grieving mother may be having a "bad day" for so many reasons beyond what you might see!

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